Why Should I Implement Closed Cash Management?

There are still a large proportion of customers paying for their fuel and convenience items with cash. While a traditional cash draw can be relatively cheap to purchase, it can cost you more over time – not to mention the security risks it poses.

That’s why you should consider using a closed cash management system. A closed cash management system ensures that cash is never exposed and makes each transaction much more efficient.


Here are five benefits of switching to a closed cash management system:

1. They’re Secure.

A closed cash payment system creates a safer environment for employees and customers. The staff or armed robbers can’t remove the cash. This can greatly cut down, and even eliminate, robbery and fraud. Knowing that your service station is a safe workplace entices more people to want to work for you.

2. It saves money.

Automating the cash handling process cuts administrative costs that coincide with using a traditional cash draw. Employees will no longer spend time on the clock counting the cash draw, as the automated system handles that task itself. This also cuts down on human error.

3. It encourages customer transactions.

When customers approach the counter to pay, they don’t want to stare at the top of an employee’s head while the employee counts their cash. A closed cash management system will do the counting, so employees and customers can enjoy more interactions throughout the day. This encourages customer engagement, which then encourages loyalty.

4. It encourages good hygiene.

Coins and notes are not known for their cleanliness, and staff rarely have the time to wash their hands in between each customer. Closed cash management systems dramatically reduce touch points with cash, reducing the frequency that employees must handle cash and compromise hygiene.

5. It increases efficiency.

A closed cash payment system saves time on cash processes, cash counting, and cash reconciliation. During the day and at closing time, staff won’t have to worry about handling cash matters. Instead, they can leave it up to the system.

Closed Cash At Your Service Station

Using a closed cash management system can greatly improve many aspects of your service station. At ServoPro we have a number of suppliers who supply closed cash management systems allowing your customers to pay using cash without the need for your staff to handle the money. These systems are fully integrated with your POS system.

For more information contact us.


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