Health and Safety Laws to Know at Your Service Station

There are certain health and safety policies that set the standard for Australian service stations nationwide. The reason these policies are put in place is to protect not only your employees but your business as a whole.

Health and Safety at the Workplace

WHS (workplace health and safety) is centred around managing risk to ensure the general health and safety of those at your business. These laws protect employees, customers, suppliers, and visitors alike.

Every industry has varying risks, meaning each has specific WHS requirements to uphold. To learn more about service station specific WHS protocols, we recommend seeking independent advice.

State and Territory Laws

Safe Work Australia is the organisation that oversees and updates the WHS laws for the nation to all territories, excluding Victoria and Western Australia, as they have taken separate action to implement WHS laws. In every state and territory, there is a different body that regulates, enforces, and administers WHS laws, inspects business, and gives WHS advice.

As an Employer

Employers should always take necessary steps to minimise risks or eliminate them entirely. It is an employer’s job to:

  • Consult employees about health and safety issues
  • Provide a safe work environment
  • Provide safe machinery and structures
  • Ensure safe usage of all equipment
  • Monitor the conditions of the workplace

An employer should respond to issues as soon as they arise and always have first aid equipment on hand, along with an adequate amount of trained staff that can respond to incidents.

WHS goes beyond physical health and safety, it extends to the mental well-being of staff as well. This might mean crafting policies and procedures for situations like bullying or harassment.

As an Employee

Employees must also do their part to minimise risks at the workplace. They should:

  • Be familiar with WHS policies
  • Care for their own health and safety as well as others
  • Use PPE when necessary


Knowing WHS laws creates a safe and functioning service station that benefits everyone. Not only is this key to creating a successful business, but it is also required by law as well.

By implementing WHS policies, you have a higher chance of retaining staff, preventing injury and illness, improving productivity, and reducing the cost of workers’ compensation payments.

At ServoPro, we provide a range of services to help you with your WHS compliance, including policy templates, a site audit app, a safety helpdesk as well as partnering with consultants who can attend your service station. For more information contact us.

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