Getting the Most Out of Your Service Station Energy Provider

When it comes to electricity and your service station, there are two goals to keep in mind: One, maintaining energy efficiency and two, cost savings. A way to make sure both of these goals are reached is by reducing your service station’s electricity bills.

Our partner, Make It Cheaper, handles everything related to energy market comparisons. If you want a cheaper electricity plan, they’re the people to call.

Your Electricity Bill

The first step towards a better electricity plan starts with comparing your bill against other providers. Australian energy prices can be quite substantial so it is important to check the market to ensure you are paying a competitive rate.

To understand how to improve your energy bill in a manner like this, you need to understand all of its components. That means understanding the charges, because the charges give Make It Cheaper valuable insight on whether your energy plan is a good deal. When they have this information, they’ll be able to negotiate terms on your contract and possibly even find you a better-priced provider.

You won’t always see these charges on your bill, but here’s what makes up the total cost of energy at your petrol station:

  • Retail costs, including:
    • Customer service
    • Account management
    • Bill processing
  • Wholesale costs – payable to wholesalers who extract gas and generate electricity
  • Network costs – payable to electricity and gas distributors
    • Construction, maintenance, and operation of electricity wires and pipes
    • Transportation and distribution of gas and electricity
  • Green costs – charges that are used to support government initiatives for renewable energy

Here are the charges that you will see on your electricity bill:

  • Daily supply charge – the daily cost of energy at your service station
  • Usage charges – total gas or electricity used
  • Consumption charge

Understanding Electricity Rates

Your service station’s electricity rates are split in two: A fixed daily supply charge and a variable usage charge. The variable use charge depends on the energy plan of your service station specifically.

Make It Cheaper looks at your current energy plan against a panel of other providers to analyse their definition of peak and off-peak hours, which helps them maximise the rates for the electricity usage of your service station and find any discounts you may have missed.

Types of Electricity Rate Discounts

There are two types of discounts that energy providers usually offer. Make It Cheaper compares the two in order to see which one suits your needs better. These discounts include:

  • Conditional discounts, that are usually offered under specific conditions
  • Guaranteed discounts, that are less strict and applied throughout your contract term

A specialty of Make It Cheaper is being able to find their clients competitive providers and good deals. They also work with providers that offer products that take your offsets into account. They compare as many energy plans as needed in order to complete an extensive price comparison, so you can make an informed decision on your plan. Their comparison service might just save you tens of thousands on energy costs.

If you would like us to review your electricity bill, feel free to forward it to [email protected]

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