Ampol and OneH2 Partnership Fuels Australia’s Hydrogen Future

Australia is poised to see an increase in hydrogen refuelling stations following a collaboration between its largest fuel retailer and a U.S.-based alternative fuel expert. The partnership between Ampol and OneH2, announced on Monday, aims to accelerate hydrogen utilisation in Australia and contribute to reducing emissions in heavy transportation.

This development comes shortly after BP launched Australia’s first hydrogen refuelling station at a service location, aligning with a recent CSIRO report that highlighted the need for heightened hydrogen investment to keep pace with international advancements.

Ampol’s Brent Merrick emphasised the significance of this alliance in promoting eco-friendly transportation options and encouraging investment in new vehicles. He noted hydrogen’s vital role in lowering emissions in transport and energy sectors, especially in hard-to-decarbonize areas like heavy transport and machinery.

He anticipates initial hydrogen adoption in heavier vehicle fleets, citing benefits like quicker refuelling and extended range over current electric alternatives.

OneH2’s CEO, Paul Dawson, mentioned their expertise since 2015 in hydrogen transport and on-site generation. Their experience in the U.S. over the past eight years will be instrumental in expediting hydrogen’s adoption in Australia.

This announcement aligns with a recent CSIRO report urging energy providers to intensify efforts in hydrogen refuelling infrastructure and for governments to set policies and standards in line with European models.

Furthermore, BP’s recent launch of a hydrogen refuelling station at its Lytton service station on August 14, which uses solar-powered renewable hydrogen from Bulwer Island, underscores this growing trend. This station currently fuels a fleet of five hydrogen Hyundai Nexos cars for the Queensland government.

Currently, Australia has less than ten operational hydrogen refuelling stations. However, an agreement in 2022 between Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland to establish a “hydrogen super highway” along key highways indicates a commitment to expanding this network.

The federal government is also reassessing the 2019 National Hydrogen Strategy, aiming to position Australia as a global hydrogen leader by 2030.

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