Whether you’re an avid procrastinator or tend to stay on top of things, everyone can benefit by improving their time management skills. Staying organised as you manage your time can make a big difference in the running of your service station. Keep reading to learn our top time management secrets we petrol station owners implementing
Plan Your Day in Advance
One of the most effective time management techniques is to create a to-do list for each day. Having written goals to work towards increases your productivity. Try using calendars, time management apps, or whatever method works best to help you stay organised and on top of your day. With a better understanding of what you need to accomplish, you’ll be able to move from task to task more efficiently.
Find Your Productivity Zone
Everyone works best at different times of day. Some people may do their best work early in the morning, where others are better later in the day. Find the times when you’re most efficient and have the most energy, then plan your schedule so that you can get the most work done then. This will help you to get your harder work out of the way, and free up the rest of your day for other tasks.
Eliminate Distractions
While working, it’s easy to get distracted by activities like checking your email or phone calls, especially at petrol stations as they are a hive of activity. It’s helpful to plan a set time each day to sort through emails and answer calls, then to spend the rest of the day on other tasks. When you’re working, stay focused on your objective. You’ll be able to complete things more efficiently without having your workflow interrupted by distractions.
Spend Time Strategising
Time spent strategising for your petrol station is time well-spent, and often produces strong results. Create set times to brainstorm and come up with new ideas for how to better run your service station. Identify areas you can improve upon and ways you can continue to grow. Look at what you’ve accomplished in the past, then set goals for the future that you can move towards. Involve your team where appropriate.
Strong time management skills help you to stay motivated and accomplish your goals. By taking steps to better manage your schedule, you can increase productivity and make the most of your time working.
If you need help staying accountable to your goals and objectives, as part of your ServoPro membership you have access to Dan Armes who coaches and mentors petrol stations owners every day. Contact Dan on 0490 415 063 to discuss your goals and how you can achieve them.