The Best Ways to Draw Attention to your Petrol Station

Petrol stations are everywhere in this day and age. Even in small towns, most drivers have at least a couple of options to choose from when getting fuel for their vehicles. To set one petrol station apart from the competition, there are several important features that need to be the key focus of the customer experience.

By providing a consistent, pleasant, personalised experience for customers, attracting them to your petrol station above the rest should be relatively simple.

Keep a Clean Petrol Station
Customers appreciate it when they pull in for fuel at a clean, well-maintained petrol station. Ensure that the pumps, parking area, restrooms, and the building itself are in the cleanest possible condition. Customers that are travelling are looking for clean toilets so make sure you have a roster in place to ensure staff are keeping the bathrooms clean.

Consider Gas / Merchandise Prices
Price is extremely important when it comes to attracting customers to a service station. Most of the time, people are not going to choose a petrol station with the highest fuel prices if they have any choice in the matter. Keep the prices of both fuel and other products competitive with other stations in the area. If you are unable to retail your fuel at a competitive price you may need to speak to other suppliers. Contact us for help with this.

Carry Products Other Don’t
If possible, canvas other service stations and look for ways to improve upon the products they have to offer. For example, if one petrol station has an ATM but no coffee, try to ensure that your business has both. If one petrol station has bright lighting that comes on at night, but no customer bathrooms, try to offer your customers both components at your own petrol station.

Ensure Excellent Customer Service
Nobody likes a rude console operator, no matter how inexpensive fuel prices are. When customers have to go into the petrol station, they want to be met with friendly, helpful attendants. Ensure that customers feel welcome when they go into your petrol station by properly training staff members to be knowledgeable, efficient, and helpful. Use an online training platform specially designed for petrol station attendants like ServoSkills. ServoSkills is free for ServoPro members.

Stay Fully Stocked
In addition to fueling up their vehicles, many petrol station customers like to go into the store for snacks, drinks, and other items they need for long road trips. By ensuring that the inside of the petrol station is stocked with merchandise, and the pumps have adequate fuel inventory, a single petrol station can create the ideal shopping experience for customers.

In addition, staying in touch with new technologies and convenience processes can aid in increasing customer turnout.

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