Reducing your companies carbon footprint

Debate over net zero in Australia is heating up with calls for more climate change action growing, and the pace of emission cuts set to be a key issue at this year’s federal election.

Several of Australia’s biggest and best-known organisations have committed to bold ambitions to reduce their environmental impact, but smaller businesses and community groups can also take the first steps towards a climate positive approach.

An easy way to start on that journey is to offset carbon emissions from your energy usage – and with more renewable generation coming online in 2022 and several energy retailers now offering plans which include offsets on carbon emissions from energy usage, green doesn’t necessarily mean expensive.

Energy partner Make it Cheaper can help make green cheaper for your organisation.  They have over 10 years of experience in helping Aussie businesses save time and money on energy contracts and also offer green energy solutions for the climate conscious.

Their energy experts will tailor a recommendation to reflect the usage requirements of your business, and your ambitions to become more climate positive.

To find out how the Make it Cheaper team can tailor your energy procurement solution to include more green energy options contact us.

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