Pure Hydrogen Sets Stage for Green Transport Revolution

Pure Hydrogen has secured a prime 4,000m² spot near Brisbane’s Archerfield airport for its groundbreaking green hydrogen micro-hub, set to revolutionise the aviation and commercial transport sectors.

This forward-thinking move marks Pure Hydrogen’s commitment to leading the charge in sustainable energy solutions. The micro-hub, in its initial phase, will be capable of churning out a hefty 420 kg of green hydrogen daily, paving the way for future expansions.

The company, headquartered in Sydney, has already procured an electrolyser, a key component in the hydrogen production process. This electrolyser will harness “green” electricity from the grid to generate renewable hydrogen. Pending necessary approvals, the first batch is expected to roll out by the end of 2024.

As demand escalates, Pure Hydrogen plans to scale up operations by adding more electrolysers to the site. This growth trajectory aligns with the anticipated needs of commercial aviation firms operating out of Archerfield Airport, as well as nearby trucking and waste facilities catering to heavy vehicle fleets.

Scott Brown, Pure’s Managing Director, emphasised the strategic significance of establishing multiple micro-hubs in close proximity to potential customers. These hubs will leverage cutting-edge technology to produce green hydrogen, fueling the shift towards cleaner transportation solutions.

“Archerfield serves as our flagship H2 Micro-hub, setting the standard for future endeavours,” Brown remarked. “By strategically positioning these hubs, we’re not just meeting demand; we’re laying the groundwork for a domestic ‘hydrogen highway’ powered by clean fuel.”

With Archerfield as the focal point, Pure Hydrogen is now laser-focused on advancing site preparations to ensure the timely delivery of green hydrogen fuel by late 2024. This milestone underscores the company’s unwavering commitment to driving sustainable innovation in the transport sector.

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