Practical Ways to Reduce Shoplifting at Your Petrol Station

Shoplifting is an issue for every service station whether you are aware of it or not. If shoplifting is becoming an issue at your store, then you need to begin taking the necessary actions to correct this. Though you may feel lost about how to effectively reduce shoplifting at your petrol station, there are many ways to begin focusing your attention on shoplifters. Here are some of the best and most practical ways to solve the problem.

Have Surveillance Cameras Spread Out in Both the Store and at the Pump

The most essential thing that you can do to reduce shoplifting is make sure that every part of your service station has some form of security cameras. Security cameras do not only give you the ability to monitor what is happening at your store–it also lets customers know that there is more risk involved if they choose to shoplift, deterring them from the action. Make sure that you also have night vision security cameras in place for the customers who choose to steal when the shop is closed.

Avoid Distractions

In today’s world, it’s easy to get distracted by all the stimuli around us, like our mobile phones. When your store is quieter than usual, you or your employees may be tempted to reach for your phone. Understand that shoplifters look out for things like this, and that by focusing your attention on your device, you are essentially giving them the perfect chance to strike. Keep your attention on the customers and on what is going on in your store at all times.

Set Up Mirrors

Mirrors, similar to security cameras, give shoplifters the impression that they are always being watched. This helps to deter them from shoplifting, because they know that the risk of getting caught is much higher. Mirrors can pick up the blindspots that your security cameras might be missing, ensuring that you have full view of your store. This also helps your employees, as they won’t have to be monitoring the cameras 24/7.

Use Customer Service

Customer service is a great way to make customers feel welcomed, but it is also useful when you are trying to reduce shoplifting rates in your store. Having an adequate amount of employees working at any given time, and making sure that these employees give attention to all of the customers, can help you to catch a shoplifter in the act. Approaching customers and asking if they’re finding everything okay and paying attention to what they are searching for can do one of two things: make an honest customer feel like they are valued, and make a dishonest customer wary of taking action.

Fuel Theft

Fuel theft is the product that costs service station the most when it comes to stealing or shop lifting. Often the police are unable to help for a variety of reasons. At ServoPro we have a range of solutions to suit every budget to help you reduce ‘failure to pays’ and also ‘drive offs’. Contact us if you would like more information.

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