Peters launches: Smurfee inspired new Twin Pole Ice cream

As WA’s weather starts to heat up, an iconic Australian ice cream brand has decided to bring back an old favourite to make your summer a little sweeter.

To give you a hint, we’ll say it looks quite smurfalicious.

After a 10-year hiatus and a decade of campaigning by Perth superfan Neil Hancock, the much-loved Peters Twin Pole returned to supermarket shelves in October last year.

Now, almost a year on, the ice cream giant has planned another retro renaissance — but with a twist. They have crossed the nostalgic Smurfee with the Twin Pole to bring us the Twin Pole Blue Raspberry Spider.

Many may remember the original Smurfee that was launched in 1979, a double-barrelled ice delight with vanilla on one side and Smurfberry on the other. For a time in the 80s, the refreshing treat was responsible for blue-tinged tongues all over Australia.

It was an ice cream some just couldn’t forget. One fan in particular who helped spark the ice cream’s return was Australia Remember When Author Bob Byrne.

“I have fond memories of enjoying a Smurfee with a friend on a hot summer’s day in the 80s,” he said.

“It was one of my favourite treats of all time, a memory that I look forward to recreating with the new Twin Pole.”

Servopro Peters launches: Smurfee inspired new Twin Pole Ice cream
The Smurfee was one of Bob Byrne’s favourite ice creams as a kid in the ’80s Credit: Peters, Facebook

The Twin Pole blue raspberry spider is a dual-textured treat where creamy meets sorbet. Think of the flavour of a spider — the drink — with red creaming soda and ice cream.

One side is creamy vanilla, and the other is a fruity blue raspberry-flavoured sorbet.

The Twin Pole blue raspberry spider is a dual-textured treat where creamy meets sorbet.
The Twin Pole blue raspberry spider is a dual-textured treat where creamy meets sorbet. Credit: Peters

Whether they’re split and eaten separately or enjoyed together for double the texture, as Peter says, “Twin Poles are twice the fun!”

The latest Twin Pole is now available in all major supermarkets and convenience stores.


Extracted from Perth Now

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