Mobil Taree: New $2.9m service station and takeaway

A new Mobil service station with a takeaway outlet has been proposed at a busy intersection in the heart of Taree.

The multimillion-dollar plans were submitted to MidCoast Council this month, seeking permission to demolish the existing houses and garage on the 2822 sqm site on the corner of Cowper St and Chatham Ave.

The development application outlines plans for the service station, underground fuel tanks, four double-sided fuel dispensers and an overhead canopy, 23 carparks, a freestanding 6m high Mobil illuminated pylon sign, service yard and loading zone.

Servopro Mobil Taree: New $2.9m service station and takeaway

“Construction of a new service station, including a 200 sqm convenience store that contains retail floor space for convenience items, an office, store room, cool room, amenities, and a 93 sqm ‘fast food’ premises attached to the convenience store (is proposed),” Wilson Planning outlined on behalf of its client, MV Auto Property Pty Ltd.

“(We would also like to undertake) minor excavations to accommodate vehicle accesses/exits and building foundations.

Servopro Mobil Taree: New $2.9m service station and takeaway

“This proposed fast food outlet will predominantly be a takeaway outlet, as indicated by the small space and limited number of tables and chairs (for use by patrons waiting for their food).”

If approved, the service station is planning to operate 24 hours a day. The takeaway section will be open from 7am to 10pm, seven days a week.

Servopro Mobil Taree: New $2.9m service station and takeaway

A handful of job opportunities will come from the store once it’s up and running, with two day staff and one night staff needed for the service station, and five to six team members on at any one time in the food and drink side of the business.

MV Auto Property Pty Ltd has been working on the plans for some time now with a formal pre-DA meeting being held at council offices last year.

As part of the proposal, a risk screening, stormwater and landscaping plans, traffic report and acoustic assessment were also submitted.

A 2.4m-high acoustic fence will border the western boundary, acting as a sound barrier for neighbouring homes and businesses.


Extracted from the Daily Telegraph

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