ESC Install New Solar System at Puma Wilston

Recently, ServoPro’s partner for solar completed a project in Wilston, Brisbane, providing a solar solution that will ensure the site operator will be saving money long into the future.

Watch the project video below…

Maximising roof space with high power consumption

Using our commercial Longi 370w panels due to the clamping zones and screw-lines we where able to build a 35kw system that will produce around 100kw – daily average all year round.

Combining world class panels with our favourite inverter 2 x 15kw Sungrow 3phase Inverters, used due to the varying orientations, angles and string numbers for the system.


New Look For a Forward Thinking Business

With an ROI of around 3.2 years, this quality system will reduce the outgoing expenditure by around $12,000-$14,000 PA.

A very simple investment strategy to Sam Rao – owner/operator

Solar is one of those products that, to be honest, is super confusing, multi faceted and highly saturated, almost putting buyers fatigue into the marketplace slowing the purchasers decision making process

Whilst we agree that from a consumer POV, it can seem ‘all too much’ there are a few key factors that distinguish a great long term solution and one that you may need to replace as soon as the investment has paid itself back

  • A National Brand
  • In-house designers and Experienced Engineers that have worked on some of Asia Pacifics more recognisable renewable projects
  • Partnerships with some of the country most prominent brands, councils and multisite organisations
  • Multi-Site Specialists
  • Long Term business and supply agreements, some signed for the next 15 years
  • Internal Financial Options, both consumer and commercial

Why ESC are leaders in the marketplace

What We do is More than Meets the Eye

Our attention to detail and understanding the metric of pure cashflow is a massive distinguishing factor when it comes to navigating our busy and ever changing marketplace

Secondly, but equally as important, is the comprehension as to why various products are suitable for our Australian conditions and why other products in the market will not provide the promised return by many solar companies

Finally, it is our Directors approach to business. Julian’s approach is one of abundance and a high level of customer service, meaning; every customer, if well looked after, is worth 2, 3, or even more new customers, and so on, thus giving us return business and exponential growth

This consumer focus is not just about the growth of the business, as most of our clients speak with Julian directly rather than anyone else in the team

This has created our business model; it isn’t a high volume, mass market and ‘race to the bottom’ focus, it is a very calculated and portfolio/partnership focused. Focusing on deliver of a high quality end product and allowing us to actively focus on large scale projects as a team, creating mutually beneficial and unique partnership conditions that no other solar company can provide

“The process with Empower Solar Commercial was amazing with Julian. He went through and the costs and savings and he addressed all my queries.

I know I chose the right product with Empower Solar Commercial” Sam Rao, Director and Operator, Puma Fuel – Wilston.

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