Electric Vehicles: 20 Times Safer Than Combustion Cars in Fire Incidents

Recent data from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) debunks common disinformation regarding electric vehicles (EVs), highlighting that they are significantly safer than their petrol and diesel counterparts, with a fire incident rate 20 times lower.

In 2022, a total of 106 fires were reported in various electrified modes of transportation in Sweden, of which 38 involved electric scooters, and 20 were related to electric bicycles. In comparison, only 23 fires occurred in electric vehicles, accounting for a mere 0.004% of the country’s fleet of 611,000 EVs.

In stark contrast, during the same period, Sweden witnessed approximately 3,400 fires in its 4.4 million petrol and diesel cars, representing around 0.08% of the fossil fuel vehicle fleet. Consequently, the data confirms that a petrol or diesel car in Sweden was roughly 20 times more likely to experience a fire incident than an electric vehicle in 2022.

Notably, the number of fires in electric cars has been decreasing over the years. The MSB indicates that approximately 20 fires were reported annually in electric cars over the past three years, despite the EV population nearly doubling in the same timeframe. This positive trend suggests that EV manufacturers have been enhancing fire suppression systems in newer models, leading to improved safety standards.

In light of these statistics, it becomes evident that claims associating fire risks with EVs are unfounded. Instead, it is essential to counter such misinformation and educate others about the remarkable safety record of electric vehicles. The data unequivocally demonstrates that individuals driving petrol or diesel cars are 20 times more likely to encounter fire incidents than those operating electric vehicles.

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