Driver ram-raids service station for cigarettes

A driver has been caught on CCTV ram-raiding a service station, causing “extensive damage”, so he could steal cigarettes from behind the counter.

Detectives are investigating after a service station was robbed in a ram raid in Queensland last night.

CCTV footage released by Queensland Police shows the driver in a dark-coloured sedan reversing his distinctively painted vehicle through the window of the Rockhampton service station about 11.50pm yesterday.

Once inside, the man, who had a covering over his face, got out of his car and ran to the front of the shop, where he jumps the counter and steals packets of cigarettes.

The man rifles through the cigarette cabinet before jumping back over the counter, running back to his car and driving away from the service station.

Police are seeking information relating to the robbery.

The sedan had a distinctive pattern on its side panels, which could have been either spray painting, a camouflage pattern or a mix of paints.

The male driver was wearing dark pants, a dark, long-sleeved shirt and carried a white bag. He had a dark-coloured hat and possibly a white bandana covering his face.

Investigations into the incident are continuing.


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