Drive Off Alerts FAQs – Is it difficult to train staff?

Fuel theft or ‘Drive off alert faqs’ costs our industry millions of dollars every year. At ServoPro we are on a mission to reduce Drive Offs through our partnership with Drive Off Alert.

When looking at the Drive Off Alert solution, fuel retailers often ask…

Is it difficult for staff to be trained to use the manual Drive Off Alert app in-store?

No, not at all. It’s designed in such a way that it makes it super easy to punch in the number plate details. The iPad can be set to “never” Auto-lock mode (sleep mode) so the console operator can access the Drive Off Alert app at all times.

We have a lot of Service Station owners who use the app manually as it is very quick and easy to use. We have a 30-day free trial so sites can try the app without any obligation. All you need is an iPad.

If you would like more information on Drive off alert faqs and how we can reduce your Drive Off’s by up to 70%, contact Dan Armes at ServoPro on 0490 415 063 or [email protected]

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