Check your Energy Bill before EOFY

Servopro Check your Energy Bill before EOFY

We get it. For any business, the EOFY can be stressful. It sneaks up on you and, before you know it, the deadline is days away and your records are all over the place. You weren’t prepared.

Not this year though. With a million things to consider, it is important to maintain focus and prioritise the important stuff. Contact Make it Cheaper to keep your business on the right financial track.

Get a FREE energy comparison.

If you have organised what you currently have, it is time to look at what you could have. The EOFY is a great time to take stock of your assets and analyse if aspects of your business could either be streamlined or improved. These changes could be wholesale –such as restructuring or redesigning the business- or subtle –like cutting some unnecessary expenditure. Regularly reviewing your business is a great way to keep on track and ensure you reach your targets.

Any review of your SME should include the energy contract. Energy costs are regularly forgotten but are a major financial drain. That is why Servopro has partnered with the energy savings experts MIC to provide our members with a free service and to find out if there is a cheaper energy rate for your business. Just as the tax landscape is subject to change, so too does gas and electricity. A lot of these changes fly under the radar, so check our free energy comparison service for any EOFY energy deals and minimise your energy costs.

For your free energy review use the above link or send your latest electricity account to [email protected]

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