Approved servo expands fuel type offering after change

A new Toowoomba service station will expand its fuel type offering to general motorists after gaining approval from the council.

Applicant Queentwo Holdings was approved for the minor change to its existing approved servo on Carrington Rd in Torrington.

The change included replacing the previous 105,000-litre above ground diesel storage tank with two 55,000 tanks, one of which would be for standard petrol.

According to the planning report by Diane Kerr and Associates, the small net increase to the amount of fuel stored on the site (5000 litres) would not result in any increases in traffic generation.

“The site only includes provision for three fuel pumps (six bowsers), which is less than typical service station sites,” the report said.

“The shop component of the development is very small (approximately 40 per cent of typical sites). No changes are proposed.

“There are three larger service stations to the east of the site, closer to existing residential developments.”

Council planning officer Jayden Forbes-Mitchell recommended approval, making amendments to the nearly 90 conditions imposed on the development.

The original service station was approved back in July 2017.


Extracted from The Chronicle

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