Accountability > Perfection, and Here’s Why

Unfortunately, negativity at the workplace can be found everywhere – even in service stations. Workplace negativity can look like hostility, stress, lack of motivation, or pessimism, and it doesn’t make for happy employees or a productive petrol station.

At ServoPro we have found you can reduce negativity at your service station by shifting your expectations away from perfection and more towards accountability.

Expecting Perfection is Harmful

There are many issues that can pop up when employees feel pressure to live up to unattainably high standards. These issues can include:

Procrastination: If an employee is too focused on doing a job perfectly, that job becomes intimidating – so they will be more likely to put it off.

Blame: If an employee is expected to be perfect all the time, they may be tempted to play the blame game when they make mistakes instead of approaching the situation maturely.

Competition: A small amount of competition is healthy, but if your team is constantly working against each other to achieve perfection, no progress can be made and relationships will be damaged.

Control: If you are too focused on getting a job done perfectly and think that no one else’s work but your own can match your standards, this could stall progress.

Shift Towards Accountability

Accountability and progress are ultimately much more important and effective than perfection for your service station. Creating goals that focus on these concepts will help your business grow, and it will help to build an environment that fosters:

Honesty: Employees will feel more comfortable owning up to mistakes if they are not held to a standard of perfection at all times, as they know they will be forgiven

Support: Support occurs in the absence of negative competition, and positive relationships are essential for a successful service station.

Progress: If employees are not constantly revolving around perfection, they can make progress on tasks that they may have been intimidated to break ground on.

Growth: Without ultra-high standards, employees can move towards long-term goals and help with growth at your service station.

Building an atmosphere of accountability at your service station can only mean good things for your business. Throw away the antiquated idea of perfection and concentrate more on honesty, teamwork, and mutual support to experience a new era of success.

Need some help and advice about how to achieve this – contact us.

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