Victorian Labor Government should chip into fuel security plan, Liberal Senator Sarah Henderson says

Federal Senator for Victoria, Sarah Henderson, has called on the state government to provide substantial support for Viva Energy’s Geelong refinery.

Last month, the federal government announced a fuel security plan aimed at increasing Australia’s onshore stockholdings and support an appropriate refining capacity for the future.

Senator Henderson said the federal government’s comprehensive fuel security package would:

INVEST $200 million in a competitive grants program to build an additional 780ML of onshore diesel storage;

CREATE a minimum stockholding obligation for key transport fuels; and,

BACK the refining sector by entering into a detailed market design process for a refinery production payment which is estimated will deliver the Geelong Refinery $70 million per annum.

“Richard Marles’s comments today calling for additional federal support show him to be a complete hypocrite,” Senator Henerson said.

“In 2012 and under Labor’s carbon tax, Shell’s Clyde Refinery and Caltex’s Kurnell Refinery announced their closure – when Richard Marles and Labor were last in government.

I call on the state Labor government to back the 700 manufacturing jobs at the Geelong refinery and deliver support.”

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